Financial communication: building close relationships with audiences
Always aiming to maintain close relationships with its stakeholders, L’Oréal’s Financial Communication department adopts various approaches to better meet audiences’ expectations.

The first ever Investir Day
The first annual Investir Day took place at the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris in October 2019. The event invited participants – individual shareholders and investors – to learn more about the stock and financial markets and to exchange with several Group representatives. As an event partner, L’Oréal and several of its experts, including the Individual Shareholder Relations team, were there to directly interact with attendees and answer their questions.
During a plenary session, L’Oréal’s Executive Vice-President, Chief Financial Officer, Christophe Babule, presented the Group’s results and answered the audience’s questions. Two Group experts in the field of sustainable development and extra-financial performance then led a presentation and discussion session on L’Oréal’s social and environmental responsibility programme, “Sharing Beauty With All”, which is a strategic priority for the Group.
Tools to build closer ties
L’Oréal’s Annual Report is the Group’s financial communication showcase. The Report explains the Group’s financial performance while detailing its commitments to responsibility by including highlights and giving pride of place to a wide range of stakeholders. The content is developed to be accessible and ensure greater visibility for all of L’Oréal’s audiences: shareholders, investors, the financial community, journalists, students, job applicants, employees and the public at large.
Designed to provide an interactive reading experience, the Annual Report offers visitors a chance to learn about L’Oréal’s business through the lens of his or her own interests. Three theme-based experiences are available: performance and values, world and locations, and beauty and innovation. And to meet different expectations and optimise navigation on all devices, the Annual Report can be explored on a mobile phone, tablet or computer in French, English and Chinese.
Supported by targeted campaigns, the Annual Report aims to achieve the highest quality. Audiences have noticed: by the end of 2019, the Annual Report was visited over three million times, and the associated videos were watched more than four million times.