hubs with "Beauty Tech Accelerators" installed

gigabytes of data monitored by the IT security teams daily

L’Oréal employees use Microsoft Teams

devices equipped to connect employees

Agile transformation management
To meet the challenges of the tech revolution, which affects both consumer habits and working methods, L’Oréal is constantly adapting and transforming itself. The IT teams closely support L’Oréal personnel through the transformation process by developing new solutions in Agile mode.

A complete tech ecosystem
Thanks to new models of open collaboration with global strategic partners, including innovative startups, L’Oréal is transforming itself, supported by a complete tech ecosystem.

New information technologies to support researchers
How can technology help employees increase their work abilities and the software solutions they rely on?

The cloud strategy
How do you centralise more than 700 servers managed by five different suppliers in five countries in the Americas Zone, with no downtime? This is the challenge the IT teams are currently tackling as they migrate all data centre applications to the cloud . The end result will be improved reliability and upgradability, standardised support across the Zone, lower costs and a reduced carbon footprint with the closure of the data centres.

A data lake to optimise customer experience
At the heart of L’Oréal’s data optimisation strategy in China is the creation of a data lake to consolidate, store and analyse data relating to all sales and all distribution channels for all the Group’s brands. The marketing and sales teams were able to create new holistic marketing campaign tools, resulting in more precise targeting, measured by an increase in the customer retention rate.

Strengthening cybersecurity
To address the growing number of ever-more sophisticated cyber threats, L’Oréal launched a large-scale programme to strengthen cybersecurity, involving risk mapping, website protection, intrusion prevention and detection, and independent auditing. To prevent risks arising from both human and technological error, a massive user awareness campaign involving simulated phishing tests was rolled out to the entire Group worldwide.

Passionate about IT
What motivates the IT teams everyday and what are they most proud of? Discover the stories of Isabel, Manish, Graham, Mamiko and Michael of the L'Oréal IT teams who share their communicative passion!