L’Oréal in figures
A robust and balanced business model
The Group achieved dynamic growth in sales and robust profits in 2017. Operating margin and cash flows have set new records, confirming that L’Oréal’s business model is set to deliver robust performance and create significant value.
Our Profile
cosmetics group worldwide
patents registered in 2017
Our Performance
L’Oréal’s balanced business model provides a platform for sustainable and profitable long-term growth.
€26.02 Bn
sales in 2017
like-for-like sales growth
Breakdown of 2017 sales (as %)
By operational Division
- 46.6% : Consumer Products
- 32.5% : L'Oréal Luxe
- 12.9% : Professional Products
- 8.0% : Active Cosmetics
By geographic Zone
- 31.2% : Western Europe
- 28.3% : North America
40.5% New Markets
- 23.6% : Asia Pacific
- 7.5% : Latin America
- 6.7% : Eastern Europe
- 2.7% : Africa, Middle East
By business segment
- 29.3% : Skincare
- 27.9% : Makeup
- 17.5% : Haircare
- 11.8% : Hair colouring
- 9.2% : Fragrances
- 4.3% : Other
Weight of digital in sales
€2.1 Bn
of sales in e-commerce
of consolidated sales in e-commerce
of like-for-like growth in e-commerce in 2017
Consolidated sales (in millions of euros)
in 2017 x
Our results
€4.68 Bn
operating profit
increase in dividend per share
Record operating margin at 18.0% of sales
Operating profit
(in millions of euros)
Increase in operating profit
Operating margin (in %)
Net profit excluding non-recurring items after non-controlling interests
(in millions of euros)
Increase in net profit excluding non-recurring items after non-controlling interests
Earnings per share
(in euros)
Earnings per share in 2017
Balanced operating profitability
Profitability by operational Division
(as % of Division sales)
Total operational Divisions' profitability
Profitability by geographic Zone
(as % of Zone sales)
A solid financial situation at 31 December 2017
Net cash surplus
million euros
Short-term ratings
Prime 1
Capital expenditure
of sales
A dynamic shareholder return policy
Dividend per share
- Dividend
- Increased dividend
in €
Increase of dividend in 2017
Preferential dividend of +10% for shareholders who have held shares in registered form since 31 December 2015
Pay-out ratio
Pay-out ratio
(as % of profit)
share price at 31 December 2017
€103.7 Bn
market capitalisation

Our "Sharing Beauty With All" indicators
Social and Environmental Responsibility Programme
The social and environmental responsibility programme "Sharing Beauty With All", launched in 2013, is aimed at making L'Oréal a model company in terms of sustainable innovation, production and consumption, and in sharing its growth with all the Group’s stakeholders.
of new products analysed have an improved environmental or social profile
reduction in CO2 emissions in absolute value in plants and distribution centres compared with 2005
reduction in water consumption compared with 2005
reduction in waste generation compared with 2005
3 A
ratings by CDP
of brands have assessed their environmental or social impact
people from socially and economically disadvantaged communities gained access to employment
of the Group's strategic suppliers have been assessed and selected on the basis of their environmental and social performance
of the Group's permanent employees have health insurance in line with best practices in their country of residence