Guided by strong ethical principles, L’Oréal’s approach is voluntary and proactive.
Ethics at the heart of L’Oréal’s commitments
L’Oréal was built on strong ethical principles that guide its development and shape its reputation. These principles are namely the foundation of the Group’s policies in terms of compliance, responsible innovation, environmental stewardship, social and societal responsibility and philanthropy.
Because acting with integrity is vital to building and maintaining trust and good relationships.
Because what we do has an impact on many stakeholders.
Because ethical questions are rarely simple but must be addressed.
Because we must always be sincere and able to justify our actions and decisions.

Brainstorming to build a more ethical company
Ethics Day, launched in 2009, has become a key date in the L’Oréal Group’s calendar. It brings together increasing numbers of active and committed employees.
Read moreL’Oréal unveils its Human Rights Policy
In 2017, the Group published its Human Rights Policy and committed to communicating about its initiatives and progress.
Read moreL’Oréal recognised for its transparency and ethical practices
In 2017, L’Oréal won two awards for its Code of Ethics and ethical practices.
Read more
L’Oréal among companies most committed to sustainable development
Since 2015, the Group has been part of the UN Global Compact LEAD group, that brings together the 40 companies most committed to sustainability. L’Oréal participates in several theme-based working groups, including one that focuses on healthcare for all. Through such groups, L’Oréal shares the initiatives it has implemented, by the Active Cosmetics Division for example: melanoma screenings, concealer makeup workshops to promote self-esteem and well-being, and support provided for families with children diagnosed with skin conditions. L’Oréal is represented at the Global Compact by Senior Vice-President and Chief Ethics Officer Emmanuel Lulin.

Raising awareness among young people about ethical dilemmas in business
During the One Young World Summit held in Bogota in October 2017, L’Oréal Senior Vice-President and Chief Ethics Officer Emmanuel Lulin engaged participants in exercises reflecting the complex choices leaders face when handling ethical dilemmas.
Key figures
+5,700 questions asked to senior executives by employees on Ethics Day
+60% of employees participated in Ethics Day
74 ethics correspondents across the Group to provide local support for employees