L'Oréal unveils its Human Rights Policy
In 2017, the Group published its Human Rights Policy and committed to communicating about its initiatives and progress.

To meet growing expectations regarding access to information for stakeholders and society at large, including consumers, L’Oréal chose to publish its Human Rights Policy. The Group shares its commitments and information on how they are respected in practice; its challenges; and progress made.
At the heart of this policy lies L’Oréal’s conviction that, as a responsible corporate citizen, it has a responsibility to identify and address any negative impacts – actual or potential – on Human Rights. A Human Rights Steering Committee chaired by Senior Vice-President and Chief Ethics Officer Emmanuel Lulin and composed of representatives from the different activities, functions and geographical areas is currently being set up.
L’Oréal’s Human Rights Policy is in line with its longstanding commitment to the UN Global Compact, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Fundamental Conventions of the International Labour Organization and, of course, its four ethical principles: integrity, respect, courage and transparency.