Brainstorming to build a more ethical company
Ethics Day launched in 2009, has become a key date in the L’Oréal Group’s calendar. It brings together increasing numbers of active and committed employees.

A day of dialogue
More than 60% of employees from 71 countries participated in the ninth edition of Ethics Day. Over 5,700 questions were sent in live to the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Jean-Paul Agon, to Country General Managers and to the members of the Executive Committee. This strong participation is proof of teams’ growing interest for the event and of their growing maturity with regards to business ethics topics.
Employees brainstorming on continuous progress
As part of the 2017 edition, employees also participated in the Group’s first global survey on ethics, containing eight questions. The question, “What more can we do on ethics at L’Oréal?” generated more than 1,100 suggestions from 64 countries. The proposals were instructive and will be put in action through concrete initiatives. The countries will help by implementing the suggestions made by their employees wherever possible, to continue working together with integrity, respect, courage and transparency.